Design, Fabrication, and Validation.

Prototyping in advanced technologies and test services for AI applications.

A multi-hub Test and Experimentation Facility for edge AI hardware

What is PREVAIL?

The PREVAIL project will establish and start operating the core of a networked, multi-hub platform providing prototype chip fabrication capability in advanced technology to EU stakeholders for Artificial Intelligence applications. PREVAIL is supported by the Digital European Programme.

Who we are

Our consortium includes four major European RTOs: CEA-Leti, imec, Fraunhofer, and VTT. We will build on our advanced 300mm fabrication, design, and test facilities in a coordinated and complementary fashion to create a new multi-hub Test and Experimentation Facility for edge AI Hardware.

What do we offer?

PREVAIL will enable a trusted infrastructure in Europe where companies and research institutions will be able to fabricate early prototype samples based on innovative technologies and test them in real edge AI applications. Our offer will include the most promising technologies developed by the consortium partners to address the specifications required by edge AI chips:

Non-Volatile Embedded Memories

Due to their maturity level and impact on AI, the first set of technologies is dedicated to the implementation of resistive embedded non-volatile memories on CMOS base wafers. Our portfolio will provide users with access to advanced technologies for Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory (MRAM), Oxide-based RAM (OxRAM), and Ferroelectric RAM (FeRAM).

News & Events


CEA-Leti Days 2024

PREVAIL was a Silver Sponsor at the CEA-Leti Days this summer. Over three days, numerous stakeholders from the French and global semiconductor industry visited our

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